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Old 07-07-2016, 06:51 PM   #2
still plays with cars...
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Baden, ON, Canada
Posts: 1,088
That's a pretty big number.
Mileage on the vehicle?
If it's at a major service mileage point, that could be why you have so many items quoted.
Did your mechanic:
-check cam deviation values?
-cut open oil filter to check for metal debris?
Or did he just start a very expensive and extensive repair list?
Wow, this could be half of what you paid for the car in the first place.
This is why I DIY everything I can. I'm too damn cheap to pay someone to do what I can do myself.
Six speed 2000 Boxster S
Arctic Silver on Metropol Blue | LN Dual Row IMSR | Arctic Silver console, spoiler frame & bumperettes | Crios mod | Technobrace | RoboTop module & modified convertible top relay for one-touch roof operation
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