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Old 06-25-2016, 03:50 PM   #1
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P1128 & P1130 (Again)

First I did search and found some answers - tried solutions but did not help.
When the car is cold, the engine runs rough for a few minutes then smoothes out.
The p1128 and p1130 codes trigger if the car is in traffic sitting (idle) for an extended period of time.
Car still runs great!
I cleaned the MAF - no difference
I have swapped the MAF - made no difference.
Replaced AOS.
Replaced cracked dip stick tube.
Replaced both pre-cat O2 sensors.
Checked Intake connections - everything is tight.
As per my OBDII Reader, one O2 sensor reads a little higher than the rest.
Any other ideas or suggestions?
2002 Porsche Boxster Carrara White - 103,000 miles
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