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Old 06-25-2016, 03:16 PM   #8
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Thanks all for the input. I'm leaning towards getting the one that I first posted from Amazon for myself. Reading further it seems that it may be made at the same Chinese factory as the one JayG got. Ben's looks good, but I'm thinking gloss white for summer heat. (Congrats on Graduation Ben!)
I wear a helmet daily at work and I'm pretty comfortable in choosing size (especially if there's a return policy). For my wife though I'm thinking it's best to find a shop where she can try them on. Both for safety and comfort ...and because it is not good to buy one's wife the wrong size anything.
Here's my 'daily driver' helmet. Originally a beautiful ~$1000 hat, but I'm always bumping my head into things and ended up re-touching it with a spray can
I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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