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Old 06-21-2016, 04:07 AM   #21
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Hello CrisZenithBlue,

i would say it is a financial decision.

What would it cost to buy a car that gives you the same driving fun and doesn't have the expensive 986 issues.

For how much can you sell the 986 as is (roller).

For how much can you sell the 986 and part out the good parts – if that is an option. But that takes time and space.

I think 3.500-4.000 USD is a very good price for an engine revision. But as always this is just a rough estimate i think. You know the real price if the engine is disassembled. And it is very easy to throw another thousands in.

And if you throw another amount in the car, the car is still 16 years old. So there will be another thousands following next time; just because it's a Porsche.

Not an easy decision i think.

Regards, Markus
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