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Old 06-20-2016, 11:06 AM   #2614
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Join Date: Jan 2014
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Took my '03 S in for a pre-tech inspection checkup for my first HDPE that will be next month. Didn't want to go to the Tech Inspection 10 days before the event and find out something needed attention. Plus the Tech Inspection says the brake fluid needs to be flushed at least once a year so had my brake fluid flushed and bled, brakes inspected and front center motor mount removed inspected. At 59,000 miles and almost 13 years old I was expecting the motor mount to be torn but it is in perfect shape! Unfortunately I had one incident where it starting misfiring last week. They checked the codes and I'm also getting new plugs and coil packs. In the next two weekends I'll change to my 18 inch wheels and put the BK rollbar extension on.
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