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Old 06-10-2016, 10:15 AM   #15
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Sanford NC
Posts: 2,567
I'd start by doing a compression test, leak-down test, oil filter and pan inspection, oil analysis, tire wear and date of manufacture determination. Break pad thickness measurement and rotor measurement. Belt and hose inspection. Assuming all this wasn't done as part of a PPI.

After that, with some data, I'd know the real condition of the car.

Then do everything specified in the 90k miles service. It is the most comprehensive. I'd do the AOS because it is plastic and fails with age, water pump because they fail (use the OEM one and a Porsche M96 compatible coolant). Motor mounts, trans mounts because they are rubber. This is a 15 year old car regardless of miles driven.

Next I'd find the most experienced M96 engines internals shop around hopefully LN approved. IMS kit research. IMS bearing and RMS gasket replace. The AOS and mounts are best done at the time of the IMS.

Oops, we haven't gotten the suspension inspected and at least aligned to street specs favoring tire wear by someone who sets up Porsches for the track. I say that last because they will know how settings affect handling and wear rather than just dialing in to somewhere within a rather wide spec.

Good luck. Loved both of mine. Maintained them well and they were utterly reliable, far beyond the Hondas of the era (I had 2 of each in the same time frame).
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