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Old 06-03-2016, 11:40 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Timco View Post
Fins della norga, snella barn ar?

(Can't spell it. I was Tompten for a little girl's Christmas this year)

No help with hard top.
Not bad

Finns det några snälla barn här?

Originally Posted by PaulE View Post
I think the Porsche roof transport system is the only thing out there that will safely let you carry things over the roof of the Boxster. While early version of the hard top had the external covers at the back of the B pillar all Boxsters have the small body piece at the B pillar behind the top of each door where the RTS mounts. I don't think any rack manufacturer, e.g. Thule, Yakima, Rocky Mounts, will endorse use of any of their rack systems on the hard top. Yakima used to make adapters that could be bolted to car roofs without any way to otherwise attach a rack, but I think the weight of a box or ski rack combined with the aerodynamic forces at work at highway speeds would do a number on the hard top.
Not the answer I was hoping for. I guess I need to look deeper into the questions in hand. Maybe put the question forward to Thule for Porsche. There might be a reason you never seen anything fitted to the hardtop itself on Google and pictures.

If I just use the hardtop as it is without hope to fit anything on it. Is it worth sourcing. Is the car more comfortable sound wise during the time of year when you really don't use the soft top?
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