My car ('03 S) has the IMS Guardian on for about 2 years. Never a beep which is good. I cut open my filter at each change and have never found any flakes of anything, ferrous, alloy or plastic. A month ago at about 84,000 KM I determined i needed a new clutch so in she went to a local indie shop. Did clutch, flywheel, release bearing, RMS and a new LN IMS bearing. Got the old bearing back and it looked and felt fine. Grease was washed out but it was filled with clean engine oil and was smooth as silk. There was a problem with a frayed wire on the Guardian oil plug so it was not reinstalled.
Was it all worth it? I think so. Peace of mind and the fact that I will be going on a 5000-6000 KM trip in June is more reason to have things in top order. Before the trip I will be doing another oil change and at that time I will reinstall the new Guardian I got from Raby Engine Development (thanks Jud). Why am I reinstalling? Well, you can never be too careful and the Guardian will detect any ferrous bits, IMS bearing or whatever.
The car has been great to me so I'm treating it great too.
Last edited by paulofto; 06-03-2016 at 11:12 AM.