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Old 05-30-2016, 09:03 AM   #63
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Join Date: Oct 2015
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I have enjoyed reading the various opinions. I do think they are beautiful cars, especially the S's with the red calipers poking through the twists. As far as collectibility or being a classic, I am not sure the car will ever overcome the stigma. It was the porsche community that unfortunately attacked the car upon release. Did the same to the 996. Dam shame in my opinion. I have my guesses why. Though as the porsche community was bashing these cars, all the car reviews at the time these were introduced were very, very favorable. The writers had no vested interest in protecting the 911 so I think they wrote as they believed. I believe when the S came out in 2000 it knocked the vette and the z3 off car and drivers top ten. Pretty amazing feat considering it was stigmatized as the "hair dressers" car.
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