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Old 05-26-2016, 02:04 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Smallblock454 View Post
OK, that is bad news. So you can only dilute the ATF. And if you have a volume of 9.5 litres and only get ould approx. 3.5 litres that is a never endng process.

Mercedes also had this lifetime filling ATs. In 2008 or 2009 they decided to bring back drainage bolts on the torque converters, because the lifetime didn't work and the cab drivers were really pissed by broken ATs. Hope the lifetime filling works better on Porsche AT.

Regards, Markus
The real trick here is to service the trans regularly as mentioned by another poster above, which will continuously dilute the old fluid with new, getting at least some of the debris out of the trans. If you let one of these go 75-90K miles, it is going to be full of crud and harder to clean out.
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