About to buy a boxster! Help!
Hey guys, Ive been reading up on everything I can on these boards before I start looking for my boxster. I have searched and read all the FAQ's and etc but I still have some questions. You guessed it, reliability. Please bare with me, I know youre probably sick of hearing it. I have just been getting mixed reviews everywhere and im not sure what to think. The rms and etc, is that specific to certain years or do all years have this problem? I am definitely looking into a 2000 or newer, is there any year I should avoid aside from the pre 2000's? Also, what are the average maintenence costs? I hear that they are high but it doesnt need an oil change nearly as often as most other cars so I assume it kin of evens out? I want to purchase one with the mileage range of 20k-30k miles. If any of you are in the NJ area I would pay you to help me insepct the vehicle haha. I just dont want to get stuck with a horror story. Thanks in advanced guys. I cant wait to join this community.
Last edited by PureZ; 06-18-2006 at 10:33 AM.