Hm, i don't know what cheap water pump exactly means. A water pump is not a rocket design peace of engineering. You have a chassis, a bearing, a seal, an impeller and a drive shaft. In general these parts have to be manufactured and pressed together with some precision and it will work. In Germany they start at around 120 Euro (135 USD) and go up to 350 Euro (395 USD) for after market water pumps for the 986.
If you use a well known after market brand, why shouldn't that work?
And where exactly is the difference in the double the price water pump? Longlivety? Precision? And is that worth double the price? I mean these pumps are no rocket design. And if you ask me i don't see what part of it can be more in price difference than 10 Euros in purchase price of bearings or other elements. Same to precision. So do i buy the brand name with a 200-300% price upgrade? At least i don't understand.
My other car needed a new water pump. OEM from MB was 350 Euros (approx. 395 USD). Bought a SKF brand for 90 Euros (approx. 101 USD). Yes, if i took a very close look you see slight quality differences in the aluminium cast. The OEM is perfect. The SKF is 99,95%. But does that matter? And everything else looked the same and also the axle and everthing else feels solid.
Can't tell how long it will last, we will see. Also the OEM lastet only 100 TKm (62K miles).
Just my 2 cents