Originally Posted by Need_for_speed
So everyone seems surprised by the number of engineers on this forum. What surprises me are the number of Canadians. I had no idea a convertible could be so popular in a country where you can drive with the top down...what...maybe three days a year? I love you guys. Screw the weather. You folks drive with the top down even when the temperature is -90 Celtigrade, or whatever way you measure temperature in your country.
Full disclosure: I once owned a toque and I know how to use it. Truth be told, if that freakish dried-up Halloween pumpkin "businessman" manages to get elected, my wife Cher and I will be applying for citizenship to your wonderful country, so I might need a reference.
I'm not sure what part of New England you are in but I lived in the Toronto area for almost 30 years and our weather was not unlike that of Western New York and points east through to Boston but with less snow. That 'snow belt' from Buffalo through to the East Coast was always a scary proposition.
Where i live now we get severe winters but May through mid October we have very temperate weather and tons of sun. The roads are like crap but the top is down most of the time.
On the Left Coast you have very moderate weather but the risk of rain, steady, drizzly, week long rain, is always a risk. But hell, the roads are better and everything is so green.
-90 Celsius can be expressed as +183 Kelvin. It sounds so much more inviting.
And yes, if The Son Of The Orangutan gets elected you are welcome in the Great White North.