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Old 05-12-2016, 11:12 AM   #196
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Atlanta GA
Posts: 20
Rick -
(I'm also here in town, Canton Ga)
I'm new to the site and just spent and hour reading your whole engine build with Jake. I'm in the market for a nice clean '00-'03 Boxster S. The used motor and mild performance is an issue more me. I love the Boxster platform but would like to step up to a larger motor and 300+ HP. Step 1 was to drive down to Marietta and visit John Cobbs and spend some time going over his LS V8 boxster - WOW! I briefly read up on TPC's turbo kit deal but I'm not so sure about the long term drivability of the turbo platform.

So, just a few quick questions. Did Jake take your OE 3.2 motor and build it into the 3.6 or did you bring him a second larger motor and he built off that? Also, did you keep the OE Boxster S transmission? What about the clutch upgrade? OK, last one, did you upgrade to larger injectors or have to make a bunch of changes to the fuel management system?

Thanks John Hunter

Last edited by JEhunter; 05-13-2016 at 06:10 AM.
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