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Old 05-08-2016, 11:18 AM   #188
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Location: Bedford, TX
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Take a read through this thread. You seem to have a handle on some of the issues but 4 oil changes in 15 years is not good. I stick with every 5,000 miles or 6 months, which ever comes first. I would highly recommend you get a good PPI with a mechanic who specializes in Porsche water cooled engines. You are right in that garage queens are more susceptible to IMS failure plus other failures. These cars love to be driven regularly. The adage around here is to plan on around $2000/year for maintenance costs. I am sure the car looks good but it really depends on how the car was stored when not in use. It would be hard to give an estimate on its value without more information and pictures. Run a KBB estimate and see what it comes up with. You might start your own thread to get more responses. Others can help with a good mechanic in your area. Good luck and welcome!
2001 Boxster S Lapis Blue
TS Cat Bypass Pipes and exhaust
iPad Mini Dash Install
DEPO Tail Lights
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