Thread: over revs???
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Old 04-26-2016, 02:27 PM   #2
The Radium King
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are you running an aftermarket flash with increased rev limiter?!?!?

my understanding is that range 1 is bounces of the rev limiter, range 2 is everything over the rev limiter (ie, bad shifts).

note that 7.8 cars have 6 ranges.

the hours are the last time you triggered the event. so, your car has 5157 operating hours, and your last event was at 4992 or 165 hours ago.

flogging a car in typical fashion should have the range 1 ignition hours pretty similar to the operating hours counter if you like to hit the limiter. on your car the last limiter hit was 1299 hours ago which seems odd given the multiple more recent range 2 hits - this is what makes me think you've increased your redline (perhaps 1300 operating hours ago?)?

note that a car at 8000 rpm is going to have 8000 rpm / 60 seconds = 133 rotations per second / 2 = 67 ignitions per second. you have over 16,000.

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