Does anyone know where I can get the data sheets for the chips that are in the Fobs? I agree with Amagalla in that maybe we can get the code out of a Key Fob. If that can be done, the Fobs will no longer be paperweights. We would still need to goto the dealer with the Fob to have the code programmed into the car's computer, but at least we won't have to purchase new (expensive) key Fobs from the dealer.
I have searched on the Microchip website but can not identify the large chip in the Fob.
It seems like the part number is something like: 025O1Y9 but I am having issues reading it off of the pictures Amagalla took. Can anyone identify the chip and point me to the Data Sheet? With this info I think we can determine whether or not we can get the Code out of the chip.
I have an extra Fob but don't really want to de-solder the battery holder (to see the chip) unless I have a method lined up to try to read the chip.