Having run Nitrous on many cars I think I can help you out.
It would be a fiarly simple install, I think the bottle would have to go in the front trunk run the lines under the car and the nossle and solenoids would all fit in the engine bay pretty easily now that I have seen it.
You will want a wet kit, and stay to about 50hp shot. You may need to upgrade the intake fuel pump depending on how strong it is, I'm not sure and would have to see the figures on it.
Also good idea to run plugs one stage colder than stock. In NGK that means a lower number(eg. BPR7ES to BPR6ES), in Bosch that means a higher number.
Across a 6 cylinder I think there there would be much problem running a 50shot on it and that will give you a huge boost in power, trust me. With an NX kit, a 50 shot made 47hp and 81ft/lbs of torque on one of my old cars. I generally use NX nitrous kits as I find them the best built and the most reliabile.
The thing about nitrous is you have to pay to fill the bottle so you end up not wanting to use it. Then when you want to use it you have to stop and open the bottle, so its really more of an occation thing. If you buy a remote bottle opener you can solve that problem. A purge valve is nice addition too.
At 50hp level you can make about 15-20 full 1/4 mile passes which you never really do on the street so it would last much longer then that. I have used entire bottles in one night out racing around on the street. Typically its $50 to fill a bottle.
I'm also going to cue all the people who are going to say it will break your motor, your motor can't take it and that you will end up with a bunch of problems right now....