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Old 03-28-2016, 04:49 PM   #7
inveniam viam aut faciam
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Arvada, CO
Posts: 440
You can use those circuits for your display and Homelink remote, but the wires in that circuit are not suitable for the current you will need to run the power steering and vacuum pumps.

This an electric conversion correct? One way to easily get a high current supply for you pumps would be to re-purpose the radiator fan relays. The advantages are that you wouldn't need to run new circuits as you already have now unused, high current wires that are already run into the frunk, right where you would put the pumps (these are in connectors with the headlight wiring). You would need to do a little rewiring of the trigger circuitry, but that would be easy.
'03 S, manual, 18" Carrera wheels, PSM, PSE, Litronic, 996 Cluster, +
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