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Old 03-07-2016, 10:11 AM   #19
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i had a look at the linkage on the right side of the transmission this weekend and i have the same play in that contraption.

it really looks like it's the linkage/cables not the shifter.
when i installed the 997 shifter i followed the below video to get the shifter itself nice and tight but that play you could see in my original video clearly comes from the cables and really from the mechanism on the gearbox.

is there any way to adjust the cables themselves? I noticed this end of the cables, the part that sits right under the arm rest tray. is that something one can play with to get the cables tighter?

or are we doomed and just have to accept there is little improvement you can do on a shifter that's not on top of the transmission and this will always be a letdown of the Boxster?

if Thom has a new shifter and cables and there is still play (less than in mine true..) i'm not gonna throw money at it, just not worth it.
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