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Old 03-03-2016, 11:09 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
I'm sorry guys, but jacking up these cars using a point that was never meant for such a purpose can be both dangerous to your health and wallets. There are four points built into the car that are designed for lifting the car
although i understand this, there are many other places that are safe to jack up a car, although under normal circumstances are unreachable so thats why they dont tell you to do so in the manual...

my car is currently sitting tail in the sky with no rear hubs or rear suspension, with very sturdy jack stands underneath, all i wanted was a solution to get the car that little higher without having to refit everything back onto the car to simply lower it to the ground so i can use "approved" jacking points to lift the car back up... i obviosuly have some form of common sense to not jack it up on some plastic part or weakened part... and i've had 4 cars fall to the ground, luckily when i wasnt underneath, using approved jacking points on all 4 cars...

i thank everyone for their input, i will utilise one of these points and hope they are fit for what i need
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