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Old 03-03-2016, 02:02 PM   #14
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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I'm sorry guys, but jacking up these cars using a point that was never meant for such a purpose can be both dangerous to your health and wallets. There are four points built into the car that are designed for lifting the car without becoming hazardous to you or the car's health. There are also companies like Lift Bars that make excellent units that utilize the factory lift points to quickly get the car up high and rock steady on jack stands by lifting the entire side of the car in one motion.

Having lost a friend to improper jacking of a car, and also having been called upon to repair damage done by improper jacking, don't cheap out or try to find short cut; it could end up being one of the most expensive ones you ever take.
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
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