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Old 03-02-2016, 10:13 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by steved0x View Post
In the video the cables were moving underneath in conjunction with the shift lever moving. I would consider it play if you could move the shift lever with no corresponding movement in the cable ends underneath. Probably normal. Was your transmission cold or warmed up from driving when you made the video? If cold I would be surprised to see wiggling like that, but with it warmed up, I would not be surprised.

I can check mine cold this evening, I have that same shifter in there now.
Steve you have a point, but those cables moving didnt actually engage or disengage gears at all.. so what is the point of that movement exactly?

transmission was cold in that one and its the same with it warmed up.
but again.. that movement in cables you see there doesnt affect the gearbox at all, at least i think it doesnt. only when i move the lever all the way back or forth does it engage.
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