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Old 02-28-2016, 02:13 AM   #17
2003 Base 5-speed
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Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Stoneham, MA
Posts: 949
No, she's content to ride along. She briefly drove a standard back when she was younger, but not in years. I keep telling her let's go out in my DD Honda and I'll refresh your memory, then you can drive the Box. She's just not that interested. Me, I'm like an addict.

But she is a good sport to let me indulge my obsessions - ordering accessories, detailing, going to PCA and other events, and of course - driving. She'll even let me put the top down on some chilly days. I bought her a nice wool "roasdster blanket" to put on her lap (one thing I wish my car had is heated seats, but it was a FL car).

Maybe we'll see you at one of the Cars and Coffee events in Taunton. I'll PM you the organizer's email address and you can get on the mailing list.
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