Originally Posted by mikesz
Woody should open Boxster University! Build your own! and you could clear out some Boxster stuff you don't want
Lol, I'm not sure how good of a professor I would be. I consider myself an expert on how to dismantle them but that's about it. I guess I could teach that course? lol. I'm lost when it comes to diagnosing engine and electrical problems though. I wish Jake or JFP would start teaching those kind of classes.
Thanks Jakeru. The arena red base coat is spies hecker paint ($200 a quart!), and the clear coat is Nason. I went with SH base because it's suppose to match better with the factory color. At least that's what the counter guy told me. Nason is a generic brand from Dupont. There's not a lot of choices around here. If and when I repaint the whole car, I'll probably use SH for the base and clear. It's very difficult to get a good finish spraying a one stage metallic. I've done it, but only on cars that had a small budget for paint. Base coat/clear coat is the way to go for most paint jobs that you care about. Single stage paints do have their benefits too, and that's what I used for the black. I went single stage on the black because of the headlights and grill mesh. I needed single stage because I wanted to paint and not have to worry about going over with a clear within 24 hours. With a two stage paint you need to get the clear on within 24 hours. I ended up covering the single stage black with a clear though. I did that for two reasons. Mostly because I had lots of clear paint and darker single stage paints show scratches very easy. I painted a black truck in single stage once and it would take lots of buffing/polishing to remove swirl marks. I'd have to do that every few months and it got old quick.
The pic of the wheels are after they had dried. They are very glossy but all the lights inside my shop exacerbates the glossy look. They also have 1 coat of etching primer, 1 coat of building primer, 4 coats of black and 4 coats of clear. I had to put so many coats of paint on the because of all the angles of the spokes.