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Old 02-21-2016, 08:34 PM   #190
Jake Raby
Engine Surgeon
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Cleveland GA USA
Posts: 2,425
I like to trade, so some trading went on when I built this engine for Rick.

I'll go ahead and post that the price of an engine like this one is 24,500.00 built on the customer's core that comes to me running with no failures. If you have a failed engine, the price goes up a minimum of 1k, and more like 3K as a reality. Keep in mind thats an all inclusive deal, we get the car, and we do it all for one dollar amount that's set in stone up front, and signed off on. No BS where prices vary, no jacking up costs, no excuses. We make the final invoice for a project the day the project starts.

I have enough people who love their cars wanting these engines that we maintain a 12-14 month backlog at all times. Thats with a website that hasn't been updated since 2011 (new site being built now) and ZERO advertising in any publication, or banner ad since 2009. I don't employ a single sales person, if someone wants an engine- they deal with me, and they are not "sold" on anything. Zero pressure, zero games, zero modern BS that you find everywhere else.

Yes, the engine costs more than the car. In some cases twice as much as the car. That didn't stop my customers in the 90s from doing the same thing with the 356/912/914, and it does't stop Boxster owners today.

I worked to develop this combo, because my prior efforts fell into the hands of copycats that whored them out. Trust that will not be the case with this one, but also that the next generation of the evolution of the M96 engine is already being tested. Too many of these people are buying their (false) image with magazine advertisements, and kissing up to people in the industry. Thats what they have to do; because, technically they are lost, and they know it.
Jake Raby/
IMS Solution/ Faultless Tool Inventor
US Patent 8,992,089 &
US Patent 9,416,697
Developer of The IMS Retrofit Procedure- M96/ M97 Specialist

Last edited by Jake Raby; 02-21-2016 at 08:37 PM.
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