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Old 02-15-2016, 07:58 PM   #2
The Radium King
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uh. i think pse is a little different than electric cutout valves. this has been discussed before, but to summarise, cutout valves are a standard hotrodder thing that completely bypasses the muffler. they can be found anywhere; jegs, ebay, summit, etc. you can get electric or manual, the idea being that they will only be operated occasionally.

pse taps some of the exhaust after the first baffle and directs it to the tips. so, never a complete muffler bypass. further, the valves are vacuum operated and they cycle tens of thousands of times - the same rpm signal that triggers the resonance valve on your intake also triggers the vaccum switch so that the valves only open over 4000 rpm - quiet while cruising but loud when you step on it. or, back pressure when you need it at low rpm and less restriction at higher rpms. electric valves are not as fast and can't cycle nearly as many times before failure as the vacuum ones.
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