Thread: The unlucky 1%
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Old 01-19-2016, 06:32 AM   #23
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Not to be a jerk, but I disagree that you were unlucky in that you bought the car without a PPI. However you are lucky that you paid very little for the car being a salvage title. So that was a weird sort of blessing. Without the salvage title you would have paid market rate and lost more money.
You can probably sell it as a roller and lose a grand or two. But I don't think any competent Porsche mechanic will agree to replace an IMS bearing that has already disintegrated. The debris that has made into the tight passages will take down the engine sooner than later and cause a more expensive fix than simply doing a rebuild. Best bet is to find a cheap 2.5 donor engine for about $3K, maybe $5K all in with labor if you're lucky.
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Last edited by Perfectlap; 01-19-2016 at 06:35 AM.
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