Originally Posted by flaps10
I had your story crossed up with the other guy who had his engine make terrible noise and cut his filter open to find a mess. Two recent members that lunched engines i guess.
If the IMS bearing really came apart you have two immediate risks. First that your valve timing (re: "deviations") will be all over the place, and may have had valves and pistons colliding. Second, your engine pumped broken the debris through. Those pieces can't exactly fall from their normal locations into the pan. Judging be their appearance they took a trip through a timing chain sprocket or oil pump.
The sad part about the M96 engine is that you can't determine the extent without tearing it downand the risks of collateral damage is high.
I hope I'm wrong though
This is the certainty of what the OP's debris shows. I cannot imagine that at this point, there is no destructive debris throughout the engine, but no way to know 100% without a complete tear down. An IMS fix at this point is probably a waste of money, the horse has already left the barn.