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Old 01-15-2016, 01:52 PM   #115
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Congratulations on your recovery. Great to see you will be enjoying your car just like the old days.

My father is having a bone scan today related to prostate treatment. He had a partial prostectomy at 77. VERY tough surgery at that age, especially with his moderate dementia, but he's not the quitting type. I'm less than impressed with the way his care was handled by the physicians. Well as it turns out the part of the prostate that was left in to avoid urinary incontinence is likely malignant. A biopsy was not done before the surgery because PSA levels were low. But as it turns out this is partly due the BPH medicine which is known to throw off PSA test and give a false negative. Everyone should know this. And some urologists seem to be skeptical on doing biopsy on elderly men -- controversial. Without biopsy you really don't know if cancer is slow or fast moving. Now after his otherwise successful surgery for prostate enlargement, his PSA is rising very fast. The doctor is still not entirely convinced that it's even cancer but says prostate cancer often spreads to bones which must be addressed immediately, hence today's test. One thing I have learned through this is you must always stay on of your treatment by doing your own research and seeing both sides of arguments when it comes to monitoring and treatment.
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
GT3 Aero / Carrera 18" 5 spoke / Potenza RE-11
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BORN: March 2000 - FINLAND
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