Thread: The unlucky 1%
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Old 01-15-2016, 02:48 AM   #7
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You should consider taping (wrapped black electrical tape works well) magnets on your filter and it is a good idea to glue magnets to the bottom of your sump to trap the metal in your oil. Your IMS is pretty far gone, that looks like the bearing cage. If you go with an open bearing it it critical that no metal debris gets into the new bearing or the new bearing will begin to self destruct and won't last long (like 500 miles or less). If the new bearing is damaged (in this case by debris) the small damaged spots in the bearing create more small damaged spots and so on until the bearing is destroyed. Metal in the oil will kick off this process. I would consider going back with a sealed bearing after cleaning as much metal out of the oil as possible and using the magnet trick.
2003 S manual
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