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Old 01-11-2016, 05:57 PM   #33
On the slippery slope
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Originally Posted by BIGJake111 View Post
I'm 18 and I'm as much of a buzzkill as the others here. Stop endorsing showboating and irresponsible driving.

I drive my car quick and enjoy it as most others here do but I respect the car and the others around me. Yes I speed. Yes I speed a lot sometimes but you'll never see me racing, dumping the clutch, etc. that's not even what the car is made for.
Unfortunately Jake, you are the exception, not the rule for people 18-25
Why do you think the insurance companies charge more for men (boys) under 25?

As far as tracking your car vs street racing, one is accepted risk with safety rules and procedures in place and the other is just irresponsible and dangerous

Look what happened to Paul Walker when the moron driving the car did stupid things on city streets
2004 Boxster S 6 speed - DRL relay hack, Polaris AutoTop DIY
2004 996 Targa Tip
Instructor - San Diego region
2014 Porsche Performance Driving School
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