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Old 01-11-2016, 01:19 PM   #19
Prelude Guy
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Maryland
Posts: 46
Originally Posted by landrovered View Post
Any time you want to go on a track you let me know girlfriend, but street racing is irresponsible, dangerous and stupid, so if that is no fun at parties then yeah, I'm a buzzkill.
I could make the same argument about tracking. Going to the track is dangerous and stupid. Every single event I have been to there has been at least one person who has wrecked their car in some fashion. In fact, one car spun directly in front of me at Summit Point in turn 10. He put my life in danger!!! Last year an instructor died.

Technically, we are all, as you said, "irresponsible, dangerous, and stupid"! We bought sports cars! We all have driven them aggressively in some form. Driving fast around a turn is equally "irresponsible" as launching a car from a traffic light.

Driving aggressively in any situation is dangerous! And you put in a 3.6L engine! Why do you need to go faster?! Not safe, man! Not safe at all!

It's funny how you associate drag racing as a manhood issue, yet you think tracking a car is different. Smh

It's not that you are a buzzkill at parties. It's just that you are a hypocrite!
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