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Old 01-10-2016, 05:17 PM   #27
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Sanford NC
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Depends on the type of rear window. To store the plastic one down for a long time, put a soft felt cloth between the folds so the layers of clear plastic don't abrade against each other and leave marks. Yea that means getting out when it is about 70% down and placing the cloth between the folding window sections.

Clean both inside and outside of the plastic about every 6 months with something designed to clean and polish the plastic. You have to be a contortionist to do the inside but it is worth it in window longevity and looks. I used Novus 1,2,3.

I'd even leave the top down in a Walmart's parking lot. Never had any bad experiences despite living in a less lower average income town.

Top up and under a cover but outside during the winter when the SUV gets the garage space.
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