Originally Posted by Sideways Steve
You know what, looking at it again you may well be correct! I'll have a look at it tomorrow as it's pouring down outside just now lol.
As for plans, I have a few but next up is brakes as the discs are shot. I also just ordered new condensers and a radiator as there past it and have leaked and my drivers side coolant rad has a slow leak.
Tonight before the rain came on I fitted some porsche side stripes which were a nightmare to do because of my sideskirts.
I'll try and get some photos tomorrow but I'm not sure if I like them or not.
I've really just been concentrating on getting all the little age related niggles fixed for now, well apart from doing all my lights of course!
I also need to get a proper look and see if I can work out what's been done to make it so quick but it's been to wet to get the Roof into service mode and open the engine bay up fully for a poke around.
Good shout on getting the niggles fixed. I used to have a beautiful Celica T-Sport that was really one of a kind. £1,000 worth of brakes, £600 suspension, etc. But I spent a year fixing every single part of the car that was even slightly incorrect, improved and refurbished everything I could find and fixed all common problems. This left me with a perfect, gorgeous base of a car for me to add things to. People often get carried away in modding and neglecting the car's base, then blame the car for not holding up down the line.
And yeah, this weather's awful

I've been meaning to change my spark plugs & coil packs for a week and haven't had a single chance. And I was off for the whole week too!
Originally Posted by jdraupp
The 2.5 looks very different from the 2.7. If you pulled the engine cover off to look you'd know what was in there.
Actually this is a good point. Plus, if there was a 2.5 in there and they went for an engine swap, I imagine they would have just done a 3.2 swap.