Originally Posted by thstone
I got the deep sump installed today. The filter and sump were perfectly clean but I found some old sealant stuck in the oil pickup screen. Its dark brown and flexible. This wasn't there about a year ago when I installed the EBS baffle. I know its not sealant from a year ago because I used the grey stuff and it was still grey where it had slightly seeped into the inside of the sump.
I will let the sealant cure overnight and will put oil in it tomorrow.
Here is the complete assy ready for installation;
Swapped the big can swirl pots for the 997 type that came with the kit;
Here is the old sealant that was in the oil pickup;

Nice shot....where the oil return outlet "nozzles" aimed? Do they discharge inside the baffle or outside on top of the tray (h-baffle)?