Originally Posted by thstone
- All three of my engine failures happened without any strange noises
- Two of the three failures the engine would not turn over after they stopped running
- Two of the three failures had a reduction in power for about 10-20 seconds before the engine stopped running
- Two of the three failures had a puddle of oil under the car
- None of the failures were due to IMS bearing failure (two failures caused by lifters and one by crank bearing)
- There are ~30 ways that a Boxster engine can fail
- 178,000 miles is a lot of miles
Like Retroman, I hope that I'm completely wrong, but you can see where I'm going with this....
Sounds about right. Either way I regret buying this car since I bought it. Do Imma Part With It
And buy another S like I intended. But it was nice knowing how a base felt to drive. Sigh. Anyone know a good price to sell for?