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Old 12-19-2015, 12:42 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Viper10000 View Post
The magnets I feel are a little overkill. With the spin on filter, I would imagine that should catch everything, magnets or no magnets. I am going to purchase an oil filter cutter as well. It is a little more work and a little more difficult cutting the spin on apart but its worth the trouble. I have a sump plate coming on monday, an ims guardian coming on wednesday, durametric shipping out on monday, and i'm lining up a spin on adapter. I'll keep up on here with the progress. It'll be a few weeks but eventually i'll get this back together.
Actually, while the spin on is about 30% finer in media pore diameter than the OEM filter, your engine still generates some very fine ferrous grit that is so small it can pass through even the spin on. With a FilterMag on the spin on housing, every drop of oil passes through a strong magnetic field with every pass, removing that fine ferrous grit. One of the most common "panic" phone calls we get is from people that just installed the spin on and FilterMag, and find more black debris clinging to the side walls of the spin on housing than they expected to see. Nothing unusual, just the magnet cleaning the crap out of your oiling system; subsequent filter changes tend to show a significant reduction in this fine black debris.
Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
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