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Old 12-15-2015, 05:09 PM   #27
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Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 160
I did have both black chips (in the earlier pics) and some dark brown ones that were in the sump. I was planning on using permatex ultra black to put the sump plate back on, would anyone think thats a bad idea? It looks like it should work pretty good.

Steve, Thanks for the offer on the baffle but I will pass on that. I don't want to put money into that if I need to purchase other things. For example, I want to check cam deviations and I was going to spring for the duremetric enthusiast package, but I dont have a computer with windows on it. So now I need to buy a computer too? aghh.

I wouldn't get this sump plate welded. Its not cheap but its cheap enough to not fight with getting it welded. I will try to source a used one but if I can't, then I might just reuse this one. It didn't leak and I'll probably pull it off again in a few months so maybe replace it then?

I was planning to remove the transmission again to chase a possible rms leak so I'll pull the ims cover and take a peak at the bearing while I'm in there. If that turns out to be horrible, then I'll pul the engine and start digging. For now, I'm thinking put it back together and run it. Check cam deviations, and then go from there. I have seen threads about pulling cam covers with the engine in the car being very difficult. Does anyone know if its easier to do with the transmission out?
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