I have back issues as well. Diet and weight have a very big role in these. Inflamatory foods, basically anything processed... processed grains, processed meats, processed sugars (aka typical modern American diet) cause inflammation that wreak havoc on all the nerves down there. Another inflamattion issue is eating too many foods slathered in cheap vegetable oil. These have Omega 6 levels that are off the charts and must be balanced out by eating cold water fish (King Oscar sardines and vitalchoice Sockeye canned salmon for me) all very high Omega 3. Freshly ground flax helps too but it's not ready made Omega 3 like found in fish and you have to eat a metric tone of flax seed oil. If your Omega 6 is very high without any Omega 3, your body is ripe for inflammation. You also have to avoid carbonated beverages. Another is getting enough sun light, Vitamin D is actually a hormone that is vital in every system of the body. Not enough vitamin D, and you open the door to onset of a long list of diseases that bring chronic pain. Believe me all of this helps. I went off the program for a month because of frequent travel and foolishness, and had a severe lower back spasm with constant pain that took nearly two months to get over. I believe some spine doctors are now working with nutritionists to identify which foods the patient is sensitive to. The root cause of the spine issue is another matter that is addressed separately, but the wrong diet just magnifies the pain aspect.
I don't think the Boxster causes me any back issues. Getting in and out reminds me when my core strength is slipping. If my ride is harsh, the suspension is worn or the tire pressures needs attention.
Oddly enough I had the GT3 seats on for a few seasons (I used to take out in winter) and although the seats did not recline (made parallel parking tricky) it kept my back upright so slouching was tough. But core strength was really important, if those abs get weak you won't be happy getting in and out.
That being said there are obviously much more comfortable cars. I think a lightly driven Lexus coupe is the best deal going.
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
GT3 Aero / Carrera 18" 5 spoke / Potenza RE-11
Fabspeed Headers & Noise Maker
BORN: March 2000 - FINLAND
Last edited by Perfectlap; 12-08-2015 at 09:00 AM.