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Old 12-06-2015, 09:03 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: SF Bay Area, CA
Posts: 32
I think I'm hooked

I did my 1st HPDE on Friday; what a blast! 80 minutes of on track time at Laguna Seca with Hooked On Driving (, no affiliation). Already looking forward to their next event there in January!

I tried to catch it all with my go pro, typical though, I started and then stopped the recording for the first session before we left the grid. Between the second and third session I moved the go pro from the windshield to the windscreen, didn't get one of the clamps tight enough, and shot great video of the Bose Speaker between the seats from about 2 turns in through the rest of the session. I got that straightened out for the fourth (and final) session, but the windscreen is not a very stable surface at track speeds, trying to get the jitters out of that footage.

Session 2 I did manage to get on video, I've watched it about 20 times already. If any of you are interested . We start with a passing exercise to learn the allowed passing zones for the beginner group. That was supposed to be 2 laps, but the group in front of my partner and I extended that to three laps. I finally got a clear wave-by from both of them, and had clear sailing from then until the end of the session. What a blast!

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