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Old 11-24-2015, 05:20 PM   #2195
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Today I replaced a water pump and put in a 160f thermostat on the Black 99. As I drained the old coolant, it was clearly not Porsche coolant and had more sediments in it than I'd ever like to see. After running some distilled water through it, I refilled with Prestone rather than wasting the good stuff. I'm going to flush it again after about 500 miles or so.
...Oil: while I got the coolant I saw a great deal on Castrol Edge 5W-50 @ $4 a quart and grabbed all 8 quarts they had. I spent about 20 minutes researching it on my phone as I stood there in the aisle. I think it will be okay in a Boxster, but I dare not start another oil thread to mention it.
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