I dropped the quest for a working spoiler and continued to pursue a proper running engine. I have been hearing a miss and once I got the Durametric knock off cable and software from China I was able to determine that #6 was showing LOTS of misses. I had already gotten a new coil in because I heard the miss and figured that a coil pack would be the culprit. Well, it was. This is the log that it can create for you:
Time-------------------------------Misfire counter cylinder 6
So changing the coil for #6 was quite easy as it's only held in place by 2 bolts, so out with the old and in with the new. The old coil has multiple cracks in it highlighted by white marker.
These cracks allowed water to get inside and either short the coil or allow it to track to ground. I found water on the tip of the coil after pulling the rubber extension off.
Next it's time to change the MAF and see where that goes. Then on to track down the )2 sensor faults... The MAF may just be the root of all this evil!!