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Old 10-19-2015, 04:57 PM   #2
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This happened to me last year the second weekend I ran DE in one of my cars. Most likely it's nothing more than the coolant cap. They are very easy to cross thread or not get on tight enough.

I'd start first and make sure you have the latest version of the cap. I believe the part number ends in 04. (There's several versions - you want the blue cap, not black.)

Be careful with refilling the coolant. If you aren't using the correct coolant, make sure you are using distilled water when you fill the car. Ordinary tap water loaded with various minerals can play long term problems with internal corrosion of your cooling system.

Look more around here by going to search and enter "coolant cap". You'll probably find other stories similar to yours.
I think I have a Porsche problem...
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