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Old 10-14-2015, 06:32 PM   #24
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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You don't need a press to get the old insert out or press in the new one. Once the whole mount is out of the car, use a marker to make one or two refernence mark(s) of the inserts orientation within the mount. Transfer mark(s) to new insert by laying new insert on top of old. Place new insert in freezer.

Place the mount in a vice and use a hack saw to cut into the inner diameter of the old insert . The insert cuts easliy and without cutting any real worry of cutting to far and buggering up the mount. Take new insert out and use the vice to press the insert into the mount.

You do need a pretty good size vice to accomodate the width of the mount and the insert. Mine pressed in easily.
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