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Old 08-30-2015, 08:29 AM   #1085
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OK. I just received my projectors from Pelican, and on initial inspection, It looks like there might be some debris in one of the projectors. Is this normal? Do I have to disassemble them to clean them out? Are there instructions to disassemble them? I would imagine that the heat of the bulb will cause the debris to damage the projector.

Second issue/question. How do you feed the projector solenoid and angle eye wires through the reflector?

Last thing. These came with the kit:

Name:  20150830_085241.jpg
Views: 1358
Size:  434.1 KB

I assume they go to the angel eyes, but what are they?


Lapis Blue 03 Boxster S
Seal Grey 04 Boxster S (RIP 9-21-14)

Last edited by amagalla; 08-30-2015 at 09:00 AM.
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