Really, I've had my headlights out quite a lot and they sure look to be plastic welded together. Not Siliconed like most headlights. Which is why I haven't taken them apart yet. I've even googled trying to find people who have separated the Lits for upgrading the lens or modifying something to help with light output. Might just sell my headlights and pickup some halogens and do this.
Hell I'm gonna rip them apart!

They look soo much more difficult than any other headlight I've done. I've dealt with a ton of Mitsubishi Eclipse (DSM) Headlights and Honda Civic Headlights. I've even sanded down the Glass Civic Headlights to do Projector Retrofits in. I have an account with TRS hehe. But the Lits going for like 1200 dollars I didn't wanna attempt it.