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Old 08-22-2015, 06:10 PM   #104
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Tapped into the wire not cut it. The key only unlocks the drivers door. 02s don't have a key for the passenger side.

The remote will unlock it for the 1st 10-15 seconds after you lock it. Once the alarm arms, it won't unlock. Once you turn the key on in the ignition it clears the alarm and it will lock or unlock again until the alarm arms again. I did notice today that of you are in the car and the alarm is armed and you open the door it will unlock the passenger door. I'm thinking if there's a wire that can be tapped to send that signal that the handle as been pulled and that may unlock it all. Don't know which of the 30 wires that lead to the imobilzer and I don't know which one it is.
02 Boxster
71 VW Karmann Ghia
71 VW Super Beetle
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