Well it has been my daily driver(dd) for a year now.
I do have both car seats. My 5yr old rides with me now. I just bought the infant seat from someone, so I can care the new born if I have too.
But, when my wife goes back to work, if and when, I won't be able to carry both of them.
I am exploring options for a third car...Jetta TDI, Sport trac etc...but then I won't drive it. I will always want to be in the Boxster. And the combination of the two investments would easily buy a 4-door I could be happy driving.
After driving the Boxster everyday for the last year, so many cars that I used to like are so ho-hum now. If it isn't an m-something or a something-55 or a something-S, it just doesn't make me smile.
2004 Boxster - Carmon Red/ Black-SOLD
18" Carrera Lt, Painted to match roll bars, PnP Rear Speakers, Sports Tailpipe
2004 Tonka Truck H2
05 S - looking...