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Old 08-11-2015, 04:27 AM   #1988
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Actually last Thursday
Got back from a 5 day 1800+ mile road trip
Skyline drive>>Blue Ridge Parkway>>Tail of the Dragon>>Blue Ridge Parkway
Camped each night drove each day with the Top down. Weather could not have been better
The Boxster ran perfect except for some squeaking from the right front ball joint
Kicked over 80k miles on the clock on the way home
Averaged 25 mpg and I was not taking it easy

Boxster makes a great Camper. I probably had the oddest vehicle in the camp grounds

5 days of driving with the Top down, Shade and a view were Key

Tail of the Dragon. I feel bad. After 800 miles, I couldn't resist pushing it on each turn. The Boxster really does handle these types of turns even with both trunks and passenger side filled with camping gear, food, water and tools. Did (2) runs in between all the motor cycles.
2002 S - old school third pedal
Seal Grey
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